Wednesday, September 15, 2004


A little more "Little Princess" backstage gossip

If you've ever done theatre, specifically musicals, you likely know what horrible things happen to the show's songs before the end of a run.

They get morphed into parody numbers, usually fairly filthy, before you're even one week into rehearsal!

Well, with a cast of young ladies, apparently filthy parodies are NOT the order of the day. Phew.

But the big habit in the dressing rooms and green room, at the moment, is "riffing." At any given time, you are likely to hear crazy belted r&b riffs enhancing whatever music is happening onstage. The cast can listen via a monitor, but the audience can't hear what goes on down in the dressing rooms.

I think 'American Idol' is to blame.

But it's better than X-rated versions of the songs, so I'll take it!

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